Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Vulnerability and Trust

I'm in this really odd space in time, reaching to define myself, getting in touch with my greatness at the same time excavating how honest i am with myself and others. Trying to get real with why i do the things i do, and checking myself for my truthfulness and purpose. It's hard stuff...AND awesome living...

I have honest--sometimes painful people in my life that help me be a better me! I gravitate to those who make me feel good. Do you do the same? I write about these things for me, and desire for you as you read, to look at yourself by connecting with my words from your personal stand point.

When I am uncomfortable I stay with it until it is resolved on my part. The part I own in a relationship is my own, the other persons part is theirs. My natural knowing draws me to those who are being real, being real with me and with themselves, it's easier to reciprocate when there is equity in a relationship.

I don't have to be in charge anymore. Control was something I was brought up with and giving it up is freedom. I am being me by allowing and loving those around me to be exactly who they are...again, freedom...
...for everyone.

Relationships are what life is made of, and why we are motivated to do what we do. And TRUST is the foundation.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Great Connections

What a great few days it has been connecting with new friends and old friends. 
 Certain things in life, while they are happening may seem rather insignificant and yet upon examination become poignant, 
and come 
full circle. 

I'll be turning 50 shortly and i know that where i am is exactly where i was meant to be. 

I have let go of bad habits, bad people, bad relationships and bad karma. I have wonderful relationships, profound ways of thinking--constructive ways of getting things done...and letting things be--i accept myself, my past and enjoy living each moment. I trust the future to bring whatever is necessary for me to grow, contribute, serve and love unconditionally. I give my love freely and it comes back easily. I love myself enough to say "no" and recognize and follow my instincts.

Many life lessons for me have been harsh and necessary. If you have lived 50ish years you have no doubt experienced the same?! some i brought about. I own that i, in fact, teach others how to treat me. I give away what i cannot control and allow the world around me to be a peaceful place.

I thank You, God, and the Universe for sharing my journey...may this day and every day be one of gratitude.