Monday, January 25, 2010

Stop Look, But Most of all Listen!

I talk a lot. And sometimes I break out in song. Mostly in my own home for if it was in the general public I may be committed... (prematurely)! I can neither rhyme nor hold a tune to save my life, but the dogs, oh how they love it! How do I know? They sing with me. ;)

So life brings on change. Last year at this time I was working on a business with my sister, this year I went back to school. I was just a few credit hours shy of a bachelors degree, however changing my field will require another 3.5 years to get a masters degree.

What a drastic switch, going from me doing most of the talking, leading, and directing in our business to sitting still and listening, trying to soak in every word that is being said.

For 20 years At Phazes I was the big fish in my own sea. Now I'm barely an old goldfish trying to find my way. How lucky I am for this opportunity to be exposed to an outside world filled with so much knowledge.

Exposing oneself to different experiences can and will bring about growth...particularly when an abundance of listening is required.

If we learn abundantly in academia by listening, would it then make sense that our relationships may benefit from more listening as well? Does our desire to be heard, or to prove, or to be right, get in the way of listening, and therefore learning?

What is life really about for you? The activities, the knowledge, or THE PEOPLE? And finally what motivates us to do what we do?

My changes? I took a little time to Stop, Look and Listen to my heart and then made a few changes. I do wish there were more Stop Lights along the road of life to indicate when it's safe to Go, best to Yield... and necessary to Stop.

I'm still listening and learning my life lessons.
Oh, and just so you know, I do have a doctorate degree, from the School of Hard Knocks.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Oh No Not the R Word!

My recommendation? Don't do it! Tandin says, "Don't set your expectations too high, then you won't be disappointed."

Resolutions. I've done 'em. Oh believe me, I have stacks of planners with goals, New Year’s resolutions, schedules, have to, should's, want to's and could's.

I started my career, and launched my business with Tony Robbins chatter in my brain! You don't know who Tony Robbins is? He went from a homeless guy living out of his car to a millionaire hopelessly in love in less than a year! Ha! What an idol for an idealistic 23 year old business woman on fire!? I was an idiot!!!

A clip of Tony Robbins...if you dare:

Actually I like Tony Robbins, I have just found the softer approach works better for me...

So I write affirmations. Ahhh, you thought I'd given up on this form of self actualizing altogether? NEVER! (Unless I'm depressed, then it all goes to hell) Anyway an affirmation is a positive statement written to you about yourself as if it is already true.

Example: I always eat healthy and delicious food to keep my body and brain working in tip top condition!
(This is NOT exactly how one of my affirmations would read; it would be even a LITTLE too far-fetched for my cookie loving sub conscious mind to believe)

So the whole idea in life is learning how to set yourself up to winIf resolutions and goals work for you, GO FOR IT.

Otherwise you may want to try the softer side and not use the "R" word!