Monday, April 27, 2009

Black Bottoms Up

They say, "You have to hit rock BOTTOM." Who are "They?" What is bottom? If we've hit it, will we know it? How many times will we hit it, just once, twice, seventy times seven? My son said this phrase recently...and I am afraid to say that yes, we do have to hit the bottom in life sometimes. How hard and how often, no one knows, and...I suppose it is all a matter of what life deals us and our perspective. Ahh, the old perspective thing again.

It matters NOT how many times we hit bottom really, for how can we compare ourselves with those who lived to tell about the holocaust, Vietnam, slavery, the depression? What matters is that we always get our bottoms back up. This is what makes the man or woman.

I wonder sometimes about the huge smiles that are on the faces of those who seem to have so little, yet find joy. I love that.

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