I am afraid that we put ourselves, and our loved ones through unnecessary pain because of our deep need to be right and/or our desire to be validated.
Even in this great country of America where we were founded on the idea of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,”
we have become so polarized by the two parties, (democrat or republican). We seem to be continually positioning one against the other and little progress is made. I sincerely doubt this is what our inspired forefathers had in mind when they defected from England and had a plan for democracy.
we have become so polarized by the two parties, (democrat or republican). We seem to be continually positioning one against the other and little progress is made. I sincerely doubt this is what our inspired forefathers had in mind when they defected from England and had a plan for democracy.
I will be the first to admit that I was indifferent to many situations in our country for a very long time. My attitude was, "if it did not affect me personally then I didn't pay much attention. I had my own “stuff” to worry about." Ewe narcissism at its best playing out…as well as ignorance.
Change and awareness happens one person and one event at a time.
The events of 9/11 2001 changed our world forever, some things possibly on the positive and others on the negative, we can look at things from many perspectives. The facts are we cannot change what IS…but what IS to one person may feel, look, and BE different to another!
Diversity is a great addition to any situation, family, school, town or country for we learn so many things from one another.
Sometimes it takes the youngest in the family to teach us the most valuable lessons. A message from Tandin. He is a great example of listen and learn, for YOU may be Right, but on the other hand, THEY may be also!
Sometimes it takes the youngest in the family to teach us the most valuable lessons. A message from Tandin. He is a great example of listen and learn, for YOU may be Right, but on the other hand, THEY may be also!