Sunday, June 3, 2012

Be Not Afraid

I know a few people, and really it's VERY few, that just don't give a damn what other people think.

They live out loud. I like that.



  1. Interestingly enough, I just had this conversation with my youngest. She's 20, and I told her that it's so important to realize that it doesn't matter what others think, the only person who matters is God. I have been lucky enough to have this attitude since I was a small child, and it has saved me much heartache. People either like you or they don,t; it's that simple. As long as you llike yourself and have a strong relationship with God, you are set!

  2. caring too much what other people think can be such a burden, really drag us down. I wonder if it is a carry over from the days we were developing our identity back in adulesence and some of the woundedness carries over years later.
    Looking back in history gives me a sense of the bigger picture, it is here I can make sense of the "nonsenseless" (great word I just made up, pun intended).
    Anyhow, history reveals a man named Jesus as the most caring, sensitive and loving of individuals-yet some people hated him, bullied, harrassed and killed him.
    Now take Hitler, history portrays him as one of the most hateful, dictatorial, evil man who ever lived. Yet, some people pledged total allegiance, were faithful and loyal to this most brutal of persons in history.
    Now go figure???? Popular opinion-how accurate and valuable is it really? Now I can go have a better day, and hopefully you can too.
