Sunday, September 23, 2012

Pictures and Perspective

Have you ever looked at something and wondered "If I shift my perspective will it change the outcome?" I'm definitely NO basketball player and no matter what perspective i have about my athletic abilities, basketball and i do not match up. 

And take the old rubics cube. I played with that thing for hours as a kid. My son figured it out quickly, his mind thinks like that. I like this paint idea. It's...creative!

Now these dimensional pic's are a bit easier for me. I see the face right off and shortly there after the word pops out. My eyes can see both perspectives easily. If you can't see the word, petition some help and share this simple yet profound message of perspective.

  Now here is an interesting perspective...a play by play action of Tabby (the yellow cat) moving in on the affection of the two calico's, and Smokey (on the side) cautiously staying out of all the action. What was going on here? It's interesting. Do animals share similar feelings-- emotion as we humans?

And finally, how beautiful and inspiring this man is to shoot for the moon, hold it in his hand and frame it all up so well, as though there is no distance whatsoever between him and the moon. Remember the moon is always the moon, we just cannot see all of it at times because of the way the light from the sun shines on it.

So it is with the way life experiences are. And all life experiences bring new perspective, if we are open to seeing the entire picture.


  1. And how easy life would be if we could just change our perspective of how things may seem to be, how things really are, or how things could be.....You my friend are a perfect example of perspective! You have been through the toughest year of your life, but continue to push on with such strength and tenacity! You are a winner, you are a true inpiration, and you are loved! Thanks for your perspective!

  2. Hey Anonymous, it's interesting you should say "how things may seem to be, how things really are, or how things could be." Isn't how things REALLY ARE, whatever we believe in our own minds, or maybe not? We all want to desperately believe we are right or justified by the choices we make. The images we portray for many people become governing forces. For instance corrupt governments are made up from unethical people, who justify, feel entitled or are just selfish. And my bet is, they don't see themselves as dishonest and selfish at all, or am I seeing this wrong?

    All of us at some time will have a tough year and maybe many. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people and every which way in this life.

    In my experience i am happiest as i try to see all perspectives and i check my conscience. The day i expiration what will matter most is intimate experiences with friends and family and the quality of relationship i have gained with myself. I now no longer confuse being alone with --being with me--. I like me, which does not equate to always liking everything going on around me---ahhh a perspective a long time in the making---

  3. BTW--I would love to hear any take you have on this!

  4. No, I think you are seeing this right, and I couldn't agree with you more. How things REALLY ARE, or how things seem to be, are what we believe in our own mind. My point is that if we can recognize that a simple change of our perspective can make all the difference in our lives. To see things in a different, or in a better way. Especially when we go through times when we think things are so bad. This perspective has been a long time in the making for me....
