Saturday, June 15, 2013

Extraordinary Life

I own all of my experiences. And i am well.

Those who may read the words i have written in the past, and identified with me through the ups and downs of life, may not understand or agree with me now. The good thing: I don't care. Life is constant evolution, if we but allow it.

My experiences and how i perceive them are mine. I am blessed wish for all is to be yourself, and know You are an Extra Ordinary Special Unique Being...just the way you are...

I have learned through many life lessons not to judge, inflict my opinion, or assess another beings experiences, telling them they are wrong. They are not, you are what you believe. I believe we were meant to be happy...and sometimes sad.

In my mind, everything happens for a reason and pieces of the puzzle that make up the stories of our lives unfold as necessary. Some chapters of our stories... delightful, some painful, some insignificant and others extraordinary.

Faith is hopeful belief about the future. See it as you wish and i hope you recognize...

And who is "THEY?" and why do we allow 'them' any power over us??

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