Monday, June 16, 2008

From Sand Bliss to Sand Burs

Well, don't you have a hard time coming home from 10 days of vacation? Especially when there were beautiful SANDY beaches and oceans of blue?

It's not that I have a bad life. I certainly do not. I have a good life. In fact all that I need. When you travel to a place like Mexico and you see all the abundance that we have in America you actually get a perspective on all that we as American's have been blessed with.

We are the people of entitlement. We seem to believe we are not only entitled to a hot meal, a warm bed, clothing on our backs, but a speedy internet that connects us to the world, a phone in our hands at all times so that we can talk to whomever we please at all times. Not just clothes, but clothes on parade, with designer tags. And to be entertained during all our spare time.

I live in Utah, it is considered the desert. There are many Sandburs here. When you put in a yard you have to dig up a lot of them. Then you cover up the desert sand and plant grass and you worry about lots of weeds to keep your grass green and beautiful.

Ah to be entitled and to rush through life thinking it is all about you! Then something happens or maybe even keeps happening and you finally wake up and smell the roses and you enjoy the sand beneath your feet...even if it is dirty sand or the white sand on the beaches of Cabo. They both work if you try hard enough.

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