Friday, September 12, 2008

Teal We SISTERs Loose our ever living MINDS

This pic is of my special niece McKenna. She is looking for crickets at her Grandma's house (my sister). I do not know what is going on, truly I don't, but she now has a cricket! I received this email from my sister just a few days ago...

Good Morning Sis and BEST FRIEND!

Just checking if you brought your cricket over lasterday (McKenna's word)? Just as I was falling asleep (on my med's) I heard a cricket in my bedroom?! I swear I'm not making this shit up! I thought, as I was going in to my state of delirium...I have been around Lori a lot and maybe I am having sympathy for her trauma with the cricket.....well about 4 hrs later when I awoke to use the bathroom, I realized I was really being invaded by a cricket?! This made me laugh (great in the middle of the night). Took another pill covered my head and eventually dozed off again! I can't find the damn thing this morning....been up since 6?! Any suggestions for tonight?

Here is my response back...

IF you do have a cricket in your upstairs bedroom…there is a message! I not quite sure what but just maybe it’s DAVE bugging the hell out of us like he always has...

This little saga continues the next night...

McKenna came to help Grandma get thru her first night (she had some outpatient surgery), and the damn cricket was back again?! So she got out the magnifying glass. Never heard from the cricket except one time in the night! If you need to obtain her for PEST control....she is relatively cheap (just a little demanding)!

Just so you know, our house has been cricket free for two weeks, my sister got a small taste of a cricketful night.

Was my brother trying to send a message from heaven? Is he laughing and saying, "Whoa, these two blondes don't get a message even if it's clicking in their ears all night long!"

We 3 sibling were a crazy bunch. It has been confirmed. Unteal the SISTERs join you my sweet brother in the teal blue heavens, please no more crickets.


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  3. I didn't understand the concluding part of your article, could you please explain it more?
