Sunday, January 4, 2009

My Big BLUe Berry Pie Mouth

Oh my I have been acting not so smart! In fact all this awareness that I speak of...ummm, not doing so well. I certainly did not wake up and think, "How am I going to enable this that is really not good for this person I love so much?" I did not see it! My heart is good, at least I think it is. Sometimes emotions are just SO strong and we do what we think is best given the information we have at hand, and where WE are at emotionally at the time, plays into it as well. I'm not perfect and last time I checked you didn't have to be either. Now there's a consolation.

How difficult it is to be a parent sometimes and yet it is the greatest joy we will ever know...and suffer. And we do it willingly and we would do it over and over again because of the great reward of the purest love their is of parent and child.

Maybe in your circumstances it does not seem this way. It can also be the cause of one of the most painful and confusing unresolved issues that we deal with or rather do NOT deal with over a life time. I believe if we don't deal with it at some point and fix it, it gets handed down from generation to generation. Thus the label dysfunctional family was born! I haven't met a dysfunctional family I haven't liked. Come to think of it I haven't met a family that is not dysfunctional!

I'm so sorry for the dumb things I have said and done lately. I am sometimes a 'know-it-all' in some areas of life, other areas I'm as dumb as a rock. I just got humbled and as my husband says (or some sports talk show host that he listens to too much ;)) SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE! In which he knows I really would much rather eat a big piece of BLUe berry pie!

1 comment:

  1. It takes a big person to share what you did, thanks for your goodness and trying to learn from this journey called life. I admire you even more. Luv you!
