Sunday, March 1, 2009

Shades of Grey in Clarification

I had my husband say to me a few weeks ago after reading one of my blogs, "I didn't get it." I said, "What didn't you get?"

For the first time I had to delete an entire blog of my own because although I "got it," it was rather STUPID! Not to mention I rambled...IMAGINE that?!

But here is the deal. I don't spell it all out. I mean who am I? I am no expert in anything I talk about, but I sure like to pretend!

I don't want my blog to be about getting me. However i hope it does shed some light on mental illness and mood disorders. But most of the time I like to provoke thoughts within you. I am just someone with a lot of School of Hard Rock experiences and I am not afraid to put it out there for people to 'knock' on.

If your life has been Shades of Grey...and maybe you have even had several ones that were as colorful, exciting and changing as a kaleidoscope then I am not alone. It has been good therapy for me to share. I hope along the way it has been good for someone else too.

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