Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fall is my Nature

I for one am glad this summer is over! It has been a ROCKY one and there was not a single hike included with those rocks.

One positive note, my skin is thanking me for it actually saw very little of the sun. I suppose I was what you could almost call, a shut-in. Oh that sounds awful and it was for the most part. How much of it was situational and how much was chemical? Hard to say, but I've had experience with both and there was a lot going on for me on both ends.

Here are some things I learned:

1. You can't hurry through pain, you can't bury it and you can't go around it.
2. It takes an immense amount of self discipline to let things be.
3. Letting go is hard.
4. Forgiving is hard.
5. You can think too much, say too much, write too much, but rarely can you listen too much.

When I Fall...I Fall hard. It is not my nature to do things half way.

But I always get up...

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