Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Raven Offense

Through the years of raising three boys, three sports crazy boys i have watched or listened as it may have been, many many and then many more games of all kinds. Today is one of those days, football on the flat screen, kids kicked back on the couch, and me equipped with lap top...just in case i get bored?

The 49er's are going to the super bowl; the game now playing, the Ravens and Patriots are playing to see who will be their opponents. The national anthem is sung and Chase begins schooling me 'the mom" about the players, the NFL and Ray Lewis, the driving force behind the Ravens success and pride. Chase's hopes that Baltimore wins the super bowl this year. I do too.

I am touched. I watch this mean S.O.B., Ray Lewis show raw tender emotion as the national anthem finishes. And they say tough men shouldn't cry? Whatev! And ya, i know Lewis plays defense, but what better offense than a tough defense!

As i write this blog i have no idea what the outcome of this game will be, what i appreciate is the sheer enthusiasm and passion of the players and the fans. But one sure thing is one side has to lose. That's how it works in sports.

I appreciate, no not just appreciate i honor those who are dedicated to what they love to the point that they will take a beating, face disappointment, face possible humiliation and be pretty certain they will leave the field hurting if they stay in the game to the finish. Those are the winners, win or lose, they can hold their heads high no matter what! They played their heart out, played fair and gave everything they had for the team and can lay their heads down at night clear of conscience and sleep even though they hurt!

I've played a few games too and i played to the finish line. I'm happy about that and sleeping with ice bags or heating pads help the aches and pains guys...give it a try!

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