Thursday, January 23, 2014

Your Own Reality

I have been wondering...actually experiencing from a peculiar standpoint a rather strange shift, actually seeing some monumental ways in which people and our world are changing. Have you felt it too?..or is it just me living in my own little bubble, perceiving things differently because I am different. The personal experiences and transformation I have lived over the past few years has given me cause to reflect and a desire to share.

I will be the first to admit I have cycled through fear and trust so many times that my entire existence felt like it was on a repeated wash, rinse and dry cycle! And I do feel cleaner for the wear! I also feel less heavy because of the succession of purging old habits and thought patterns. Undoubtedly, I often visit in the recesses of my brain, old notions of right and wrong, good and bad, and my assessment of what constitutes happiness and sadness.

Consider where your mind feels the most peaceful between premodern, modern and postmodern views. Inspect for a moment where your strongest (and possibly only) perspective lies. Is it premodern, where your view of reality is guided mostly from human history; and that what you see and are told is and must be as they really are, seeing all things that are in your mind as FACT? For those who live this way your assumptions are so fundamental to your thinking you could not even fathom that they are assumptions. Do you align more with a modern view where diversity is legitimate and no one is necessarily right or wrong, but there are "different strokes for different folks."
Is a Dandelion a weed or a flower?

When I was a little girl i loved the beautiful yellow flowers in my grandma's yard. I would play joyfully on the grass while these yellow beauties made me happy. I was intensely disappointed when i found out that they were a, so called nuisance, and someone would be spraying them to kill them off! Which brings me to the postmodern view, which is a tough one to wrap our mortal minds around...all that is "real" are the images and thoughts we get through our own points of view.

May i offer a thought for you to consider that may enlighten your perspective of how you exist in the scheme of the whole? I have a heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and eyes. Each of these components of my body have a particular job to do and none of these parts can survive or have any use unless they are used as parts of my whole body. If I'm not mistaken you are no different. And yet these parts of mine/yours could be used/transplanted to another person's body to help them sustain their lives, nevertheless the organs in and of themselves without a body have no purpose. We may believe that if our heart is bad we will assuredly die (which we all do), but had no one ever consider the possibility that we could live with another persons heart many would have died earlier. Just think of the possibilities that have occurred because we transformed a pre modern view to modern and post modern.

I invite you to watch this short video clip and entertain the possibility that the present is a "map in which all the ways the present can reinvent itself (Silva)." I have at times experienced this "flow state" where existing in the "zone" was a connection to something or someone bigger than myself. As for me I call it inspiration from God and tapping into our own magnificence through His awesomeness. What ever you call it, or whether you believe it or not...well, is your own reality.

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