Thursday, September 11, 2008


Love is a funny thing. It grows, it changes. It sometimes turns out to be not what you really expected it to be. The expectations we have at 14 are not the same as what we have when we are 24, 34 or 44. Nor do I believe my expectations will stay the same at 55, 65, or 75. Life changes and we change, or so we hope we do. We grow up and we grow along. We grow along with life.

I believe in being happy. I believe that happiness is a choice. If you are in a relationship with someone I believe you have a responsibility to contribute to the well being of that person and the happiness of that person, otherwise why be in the relationship? The question is so much deeper than, "What is in this for me?" "Are my needs being met?" It really becomes a questions of, "How can the world be a better place by our having found each other?"

Don't you want people to say after you leave them. "I like myself better after having been with her or him!" Don't you think happy people are more effective people. How about people who are in love? Don't you think they are happier?

Beautiful relationships take courage, they challenge us to be. When love is there we must meet it with back bone, and when we do we change yet again. Finding ourselves and then finding one another is like going home. But now the yard is filled with beautiful Forget-Me-Not wildflowers...and believe me the colors are beautiful!

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