Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Stripped Black & White

Have you ever blown your whistle and thought afterwards, OH CRAP, I wish I hadn't of done that! I wonder if ref's ever do that? I'll bet they do. They probably think, "Whoa, blew a little early on that one, now I have to be all defensive and have Mr. Prickman down my throat". What? That's their language not mine. I'm not stupid!

What would it be like if we lived in a world where we could actually be impetuous (kinda human nature sometimes) and then if we make a mistake say, "Oops, you know I was a little hasty on that one, can you forgive me?" Now I know that does not work for everything, but how often DOES our pride get in the way? Wouldn't it be refreshing to just admit that we make mistakes...and lots of them, especially when it comes to relationships and loving each other? It gets hard or we make it hard. Love is actually very simple. Just, LOVE! Isn't love a universal language to man and beast?

We have certain things that identify us, zebras have uniquely identifiable stripes,that are useful to one another. Zebras seem to get some kind of pleasure from looking at stripes. Stripes seem to be so important to the zebra that black and white stripes painted on a wall will attract zebras to group near the wall.

And so it goes we all like things that are similar to us. But when one breaks out of the crowd don't we admire that one for their courage?

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