Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My story Vs. Your story

So we all have a story to tell.

What if we were both at the same event, but when asked about the event, you saw things very differently than I saw things. That does not make either of us right or wrong, bad or good. People just interpret, or receive things differently. I suppose this is why we need a court of law and several witnesses to get to "the truth."

Relationships can be similar in a way. We have our story in our minds as to how the relationship “is” or “should be." Whether it is a friendship, love relationship, parent-child, work associate, we have created this image, but it is OUR image, not theirs.

Interesting concept isn't it!?

I was asked the I-beam question 26 years ago while in college...I've never forgotten it.

"If you had to risk your life to cross an I-beam 1,000 feet in the air, what would be worth crossing for?"

It certainly was not worth the risk for money or things, but for people I loved that were in trouble there wasn't a second thought.

So relationships are worth risking for...but how often do we get the other persons side? How often do we even know if they are in trouble?

If we want to have better relationships maybe we need to know both sides of the story....

Or maybe we put all the stories aside and listen to our hearts and get to know theirs.

THIS HERE --------------->
Looks like a hack job to me.

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